中国手语国际版 International Edition of Chinese Sign Language
中国手语国际版 International Edition of Chinese Sign Language
1000+ 人选课
开课时间2024/07/25 - 2025/01/14
课程周期25 周

        Chinese Sign Language (International Edition) has been deleted and adjusted, based on its domestic online learning platform, to allow international friends (English speakers) to understand and like Chinese sign language, and eventually use it. Chinese Sign Language (International Edition) is opening a window for international friends to learn about Chinese special education. Through the teaching of this subject, learners can master finger language and sign language commonly used in daily life situations, master the basic skills of using Chinese sign language, and be able to use Chinese sign language skillfully to adapt to communication in different situations. The course also contains some selected content, so that learners can learn this based on their own ability and interest.

       Learn Chinese sign language; understand the current situation of Chinese deaf people, Chinese culture and sign language culture; correctly and objectively understand the current situation of China and the career of Chinese disabled people. Then we can compare the similarities and differences of the sign languages between the two countries and understand the role of Chinese sign language as a language in communication.

手语概述 Overview of Sign Language
聊聊“中国手语” Talk about "Chinese Sign Language"
手语的分类 Classification of Sign Language
手语学习的意义和方法 Significance and Methods of Learning Sign Language
手指语 Finger Language
中国手语的“汉语拼音”Chinese Phonetic Alphabet in Chinese Sign Language
指语的“学”与“练”"Learning" and "Practice" of sign language
食品类手语 Sign Language for Food
我的食物 My Food
食品零食 Food and Snacks
日用类手语 Sign Language for Daily Use
日常所用Daily use
水果蔬菜农作物类手语 Sign Language for Fruit and Vegetable
水果世界 Fruit World
蔬菜农作物 Vegetable and Crops
飞禽鱼类手语 Sign Language for Birds and Fish
天上飞的 Flying in the Sky
陆上跑的 Running on Land
水里游的 Swimming in the Water
家庭生活类手语 Sign Language for Family Life
家庭处处 Family Life
生活环境 Living Environment
周围世界 Surroundings
社交类手语 Sign Language for Social Life
职业职务 Profession and Title
人际关系 Interpersonal Relationship
时空类手语 Sign Language for Time and Space
时间旅行 For Time
物理空间 For Space
中国语文类手语 Sign Language for Chinese Language
中国语文 Chinese Language
语文课上 In Chinese Class
体育运动类手语 Sign Language for Sports
数学数字类手语 Sign Language for Maths and Figures
我爱数学 I Love Maths
数学王国Maths Kingdom
动物类手语 Sign Language for Animals
人类的朋友 Friends to Humans
我的宠物 My Pets
植物类手语 Sign Language for Plants
地球外衣 The Earth "Coat"
我的绿植 My Green Plants
期末考试final exam