Industrial Ecology(产业生态学)
Industrial Ecology(产业生态学)
1000+ 人选课
开课时间2025/03/05 - 2025/06/30
课程周期17 周

   The course of IE aims at cultivating innovative talents. It combines with the task of "double first-class" discipline construction, adopts inquiry and discussion teaching methods, and focus on industrial ecological evolution to develop the source method of environmental management. The main contents are settled as follows: the role of industry in the relationship between human beings and the environment, the fundamental theory and main methodology of IE, the ecological management of industrial systems and some practices, etc. It exhibits all the processes of a research from scientific key question proposal to theoretical analysis and management practice, and thus it integrates teaching, learning, research and application together. Meanwhile, for each lecture, it also follows the scientific way of a research from a topic proposal to its theory research then to its application, finally to the class discussion and student research exchanges. All the above will effectively broaden students' international vision and improve their scientific research ability.


  This course is taught in English with both English and Chinese captions. It can be open to domestic and international students majoring in environmental science and engineering, economic management.suits for scientific research institutes and institutions of higher education.




The Chinese version of class PPT has been launched this semester, hoping that it will be easier for domestic students to understand



Chapter1 Introduction 第一讲 绪论

1-0 Key Question and Contents 核心议题和内容设置

1-1 How does an Environmental Problem Occur 环境问题的产生

1-2 What is the Role of IS 产业的角色

1-3 How does IE Challenge Environmental Problem 产业生态学如何应对环境挑战

1-4 How IE is Performed 如何展开教学活动

1-5 Topics for Discussion and Homework 研讨议题与作业

1-6 Clues for Homework 作业示例

Discussion 1 讨论 1


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Chapter2 The Role of IE in Sustainable Development 第二讲 产业生态学在可持续发展中的作用

2-0 Review and Contents 回顾与内容设置

2-1 How to manage the sustainable development 如何进行可持续发展管理

2-2 The Concept of Industrial Ecology 产业生态学概念

2-3 The Role of IE in Science Research and Career 产业生态学在科学、研究和事业中的作用

2-4 Topics for Discussion and References 研讨议题与推荐资源

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Chapter3 The Analogy Between Industrial System and Biological Ecosystem 第三讲 产业系统与生态系统的类比

3-0 Review and Contents 内容回顾与内容设置

3-1 A Review of Similarity Theory 相似论回顾

3-2 A Review of Biological Ecology 自然生态系统回顾

3-3 Comparability of IS and NS 产业系统和自然系统的对比

3-4 Main Features of Industrial System 产业系统的主要特征

3-5 Topics for Discussion and References 研讨议题与推荐资源

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Chapter4 Life Cycle Assessmen(Part1)-Introduction 第四讲 产品生命周期(第一部分)-概述

4-0 Key Question and Contents 核心议题和内容设置

4-1 How to Define a Product and a Service 如何界定“产品”和“服务”

4-2 General Introduction of LCA 生命周期评价概述

4-3 Goal and Scope Definition 目的和范围的界定

Discussion 2 讨论2

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Chapter5 Life Cycle Assessment(Part2)—Inventory Analysis 第五讲 产品生命周期(第二部分)—清单分析

5-0 Review and Key Questions 内容回顾与核心议题

5-1 Preparing for Data Collection 数据收集准备

5-2 Data Collection 数据收集

5-3 Data Calculation 数据计算

5-4 LCI Report, References and Topics for R&D 生命周期清单分析报告,推荐资源和研讨议题

5-5 Classroom Sharing 课堂分享实录

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Chapter6 Life Cycle Assessment(Part3)—Impact Assessment and Interpretation 第六讲 产品生命周期评价(第三部分)—环境影响评价及解释

6-0 LCA Impact Assessment and Interpretation 生命周期影响评价与解释概述

6-1 Selection of Impact Categories, Category Indicators and Characterization Models 环境影响类型、类别指标、特征模型的选择

6-2 Classification and Characterization the Environment Impact 分类和表征环境影响

6-3 Interpretation Analysis 如何进行解释和分析

6-4 Reports, References and Topics for Discussion 报告,推荐资源与研讨议题

6-5 Classroom Sharing 课堂分享实录

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Chapter7 Material Flow Analysis( Part1)——SFA model and its Application 第七讲 物质流分析(第一部分) —— SFA模型和应用

7-0 Key Question and Contents 核心议题与内容设置

7-1 General Introduction of Material Flows 物质流动概述

7-2 The Original Dynamic Framework of SFA 物质人为流动动态分析原始框架

7-3 The Improved Dynamic Model for SFA 物质人为流动动力分析改进框架

7-4 Some Rules and a Case Study 物质人为流动若干规律和案例

7-5 References and Students Topics 推荐资源与研讨议题


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Chapter8 Material Flow Analysis( Part2)—STAF model and its Application 第八讲 物质流分析(第二部分)—STAF模型和应用

8-0 Review and Key Questions 内容回顾与核心议题

8-1 How to Select Material 物质选择

8-2 STAF Model and a Case Study for Lead STAF框架和铅的案例分析

8-3 Class Discussion,Homework and Reference 研讨议题,作业与推荐资料

8-4 Classroom Sharing 课堂分享实录

Discussion 3 讨论3

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Chapter9 Material Flow Analysis(Part3)—The External and MFA Application 第九讲 物质流分析(第三部分)—外部效应和物质流分析应用

9-0 Review and Key Question 内容回顾与核心议题

9-1 Social Effect of Anthropogenic Flows —In-use Stock 物质人为流动的社会效应—物质流的使用蓄积分析

9-2 Social Effect of Anthropogenic Flows —A Case for Lead In-use Stock 物质人为流动的社会效应—铅使用蓄积案例

9-3 Environmental Effect of Anthropogenic Flows—Environmental Stock of Emission 物质人为流动的环境效应—环境排放蓄积

9-4 Main Application of MFA 物质流动分析的应用

9-5 New Progress on MFA 物质流动分析进展

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Chapter10 Design for Environment(Part 1) 第十讲 生态设计(第一部分)


10-0 Review and Key Question 内容回顾与核心议题

10-1 What is DfE DfE概念

10-2 How to select the material 材料选择

10-3 Other Measures for Saving Materials 其他节约材料的措施

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Chapter11 Design for Environment(part 2) 第十一讲 生态设计(第二部分)

11-0 Review and Key Question 内容回顾与核心议题

11-1 Industrial Process Design and Operation 产业工艺和设备运行的设计

11-2 Design for Energy Efficiency 能源效率的设计

11-3 Design for Delivery of Products 产品运输的设计

11-4 Design for Product Uses and EOL Treatment 产品使用和报废后处理的设计

11-5 Design for System Optimization and Student Topics 系统优化设计和研讨议题

11-6 Classroom Sharing 课堂分享实录

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Chapter12 Managing IS in different scales 第十二讲 多尺度的产业系统管理

12-0 Review and Key Question 内容回顾与核心议题

12-1 Distinguishing the Weakest Subsystem 识别最弱子系统

12-2 Green Corporations Management 绿色企业管理

12-3 Eco-region Construction 生态区域构建

12-4 Summery, References and Discussion 小结,推荐资料和研讨议题

12-5 Classroom Sharing 课堂分享实录



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Chapter13 Indicators and Metrics 第十三讲 定性指标和定量指标

13-0 Review and Key Question 内容回顾和核心议题

13-1 The importance of Indicator and Metrics 定性指标和定量指标的重要性

13-2 Metrics System Development 定量指标体系的建立

13-3 Hierarchical Metrics Systems 分层定量指标体系

13-4 References and Topics for Discussion 推荐资源与研讨议题

13-5 Classroom Sharing 课堂分享实录


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Chapter14 Overall Review of IE 第十四讲 产业生态学课程总结

14-0 Overall Review 课程总结