1000+ 人选课
开课时间2022/02/15 - 2022/05/31
课程周期15 周

The Numerical Simulation of Groundwater course including the introduction of groundwater numerical simulation, equations and numerical methods, the conceptual model, boundary conditions, sources and sinks, calibration and application process, brief introduction of Visual Modflow and 4 lectures of case study. Through the study of this course, you will be able to understand the basic knowledge of groundwater numrcial simulation and aquire the broad prospects of theoretical research and practical application of groundwater science.

1.1 Scope of this cource
1.2 Fundamental knowledge
1.3 What is a model
1.4 why Model
1.5 Modeling steps
Equations & Numerical Methods
Equations & Numerical Methods
The Conceptual Model
3.1 Definition and purpose of a conceptual model
3.2 Some cases and examples of a conceptual model
3.3 Data requirements of a groundwater flow model
3.4 Three steps in building a conceptual model
Sources and Sinks
Sources and Sinks
Calibration and Application Process
6.1 The Calibration Process
6.2 Evaluating the Calibration
6.3 Prediction
Brief Introduction of Visual MODFLOW
7.1 Software introduction
7.2 Procedure demonstration
Case Study
8.1 Yellow River, China
8.2 Tarim River, China
8.3 Research titles on groundwater numerical simulation model
8.4 Groundwater - Surface Water Interaction