Low-Temperature Thermochronology
Low-Temperature Thermochronology
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The on-line course presents 11 chapters covering many of the important aspects of low-temperature thermochronology, a powerful branch of geochronology applied by geologists from diverse fields. The coverage of the chapters ranges widely, including theory backgrounds, analytical techniques, modeling approaches, and interpretational methods.

Chapter 1. Course Introduction
Chapter 2. Low-temperature theromochronology - Introduction
2.1. Geochronology and radiometric dating
2.2. Closure temperature
2.3. Thermochronology basics
Chapter 3. (U-Th)/He thermochronology: Theory background
3.1. Alpha decay and (U-Th)/He age calculation
3.2. Stopping distance and alpha ejection
3.3. Alpha ejection correction
3.4. Partial retention zone
Chapter 4. (U-Th)/He thermochronology: Analytical techniques
4.1. Crystal selection
4.2. Crystal characterization
4.3. Crystal measurement and packing
4.4. Helium, uranium and thorium analysis
4.5. Data presentation and evaluation
Chapter 5. Fission-track thermochronology: Theory background
5.1. Fission track formation
5.2. Fission-track age calculation
5.3. Track-length analysis
5.4. Fission-track annealing
5.5. Presentation and modelling of fission-track data
Chapter 6. Fission-track dating - methodology
6.1. Experimental Strategies for fission-track
6.2. Sample preparation
6.3. External Detector Method
6.4. LA-ICP-MS Method
Chapter 7. Applications of the Low-temperature thermochronology as tectonochronology?
Chapter 8. Application Case 1: Petroleum Exploration
8.1. Petroleum generation and paleotemperature
8.2. Paleotemperature evolutionary history of source rocks in the Ordos Basin
8.3. Meso-Cenozoic cooling history of the Weibei Uplift, Ordos Basin
Chapter 9. Application Case 2:thermal history reconstruction of sediment basins
9.1. Multi-chronological dating approach
9.2. Time-temperature history reconstruction
9.3 Case Study: South China
Chapter 10. Application Case 3: Cooling history modeling and exhumation of mountains
10.1. Inverse modeling of AFT data using HeFTy program
10.2. Post Late-Jurassic cooling history of mountains in the southwestern Ordos Basin
Chapter 11. Thermal Parameters of Sedimentary Organic Matter
11.1. What is the sedimentary organic matter?
11.2. Thermal parameters of organic matter
11.3. Applications of thermal parameters to study basin thermal history
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