1000+ 人选课
开课时间2024/07/25 - 2025/01/14
课程周期25 周

《跨文化交际》 (Intercultural Communication) 课程旨在使学生了解文化差异,理解文化的多样性和包容性,拓宽国际视野,提高跨文化敏锐力,提升跨文化沟通能力和适应能力,为学习者在跨文化语境下实现有效的思想交流和文化沟通打下基础。围绕这个目标,课程将从交际模式、社会感知、价值取向等方面分析文化差异与交际失误的形成缘由,重点介绍跨文化言语和非言语交际、跨文化关系的发展、跨文化冲突的管理、跨文化适应的过程与策略和跨文化交际能力的要素与提升途径。


1. Necessity of Intercultural Communication
1.1 Why Study Intercultural Communication?
1.2 Quiz
2. Intercultural Understanding
2.1 What Is Communication?
2.2 What Is Culture?
2.3 What is intercultural communication?
2.4 Quiz
3. Intercultural Perception
3.1 Perception: Definition and Stages
3.2 Barriers to Perception
3.3 Cultural Influence on Perception
3.4 Guidelines for Increasing Perceptual Accuracy
3.5 Quiz
4. Intercultural Identity
4.1 Identity: Definition, Characteristics and Nature
4.2 Personal, Social and Cultural Identities
4.3 Development of Minority and Majority Identities
4.4 Stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination
4.5 Quiz
5. Intercultural value Orientation
5.1 Nature of Value
5.2 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
5.3 Kluckhohn and Strodbeck’s Model
5.4 Hall’s Context Culture Model
5.5 Quiz
6. Intercultural Representation
6.1 Linguistics
6.2 Language Characteristics
6.3 Language Functions
6.4 Language & Culture
6.5 Communication Style
6.6 Quiz
7. Nonverbal Communication
7.1 Functions of Nonverbal communication
7.2 Guidelines for Studying Nonverbal Communication
7.3 Classifications of Nonverbal Communication
7.4 Improving Nonverbal Communication Skills
7.5 Quiz
8. Attribution
8.1 External and Internal Attribution
8.2 Covariation Model &Three Dimensional Model
8.3 Intergroup Attribution
8.4 Quiz
9. Intercultural Interaction
9.1 Ego State Part I
9.2 Ego State Part II
9.3 OK Modes Model
9.4 Drama Triangle
9.5 Quiz
10. Intercultural Relationship Development
10.1 Nature of Human Relationship
10.2 Stages of Human Relationship
10.3 Theories of Relationship Development
10.4 Relationship Development and Culture
10.5 Quiz
11. Intercultural Conflict Management
11.1 Conflict: Definition, Sources and Types
11.2 Cultural Influences on Conflict
11.3 Determinant Factors of Conflict
11.4 Conflict Management Styles
11.5 Quiz
12. Intercultural Adaptation
12.1 Nature of Intercultural Adaptation & Culture Shock
12.2 Culture Shock: Forms, Symptoms and Effects
12.3 Strategies of Intercultural Adaptation
12.4 Stages of Intercultural Adaptation
12.5 Quiz
13. Intercultural Communication Competence
13. 1 Nature of Intercultural Communication Competence
13.2 Components of Intercultural Communication Competence
13. 3 Two models of Intercultural Communication Competence
13.4 Quiz