Basic Principles of Steel Structures
Basic Principles of Steel Structures
少于1000 人选课
开课时间2025/01/26 - 2025/07/24
课程周期26 周

'Basic Principles of Steel Structures' is a basic professional course in civil engineering. The steel structure is one of the basic structural forms of modern civil engineering and widely uses in building construction, bridges, tower masts, offshore platforms, gas tanks, and oil tanks. This course bases on the nearly two decades of teaching experience of 'Steel Structure' of the Civil Engineering Specialty of Chang'an University. It focuses on establishing the basic concepts of steel structures and explaining the basic principles of steel structures. The new version of 'Standard for design of steel structure' GB50017 is used to build the bridge from mechanics principles to engineering design. The online course has a total of six chapters and about 200 minutes. 

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1Characteristics and Development History of Steel Structures
1.2 Applications of Steel Structures and Classification of Steel Structural Members
Chapter 2 Structural steels
2.1 Properties of Steel
2.2 Main Factors Affecting the Performance of Structural Steel
2.3 Types of Structural Steel in China
2.4 Structural Steel Products in China
Chapter 3 Beams
3.1 Strength and Stiffness of Beams
3.2 Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams
3.3 Local Buckling of Beams
3.4 Design Method of Steel Beams in China
Chapter 4 Axially loaded members
4.1 Strength and Stiffness Design of Axially Loaded Members
4.2 Concept and Influence Factors of Global Buckling of Axially Loaded Columns
4.3 Calculations of Global Buckling of Axially Loaded Columns
4.4 Local Buckling of Axially Loaded Columns
4.5 Design of Solid-Web Axially Loaded Columns in China
4.6 Design of Built-up Axially Loaded Columns in China
Chapter 5 Members under Combined Axial Forces and Moments
5.1 Strength and Stiffness of Members under Combined Axial Forces and Moments
5.2 Global Buckling and Local Buckling of Solid-Web Beam-Columns
5.3 Global Buckling of Build-up Beam-Columns
5.4 Design method of Beam-Columns in China
Chapter 6 Connections of steel structures
6.1 Methods and Forms of Welded Connections
6.2 Shortages and Symbols of Welds
6.3 Constitution of Butt Welds
6.4 Design method of Butt Welds in China
6.5 Constitution and Characteristics of Fillet Welds
6.6 Design method of Fillet Welds in China
6.7 Forms and Characteristics of Bolted Connections
6.8 Arrangement and Constitution of Bolted Connections
6.9 Design method of Ordinate Bolt Connections in China
6.10 Design method of High-strength Bolt Connections in China