第一章中古英语时期 Chapter One The Old and Middle English Period
Chapter One mainly focuses on the introduction of the historical background, literary forms, literary characteristics, major writers, and representative works during the Old and Middle English Period. -
●1.1概况 1.1 An Overview
1.1 (1) 中古英语时期的历史背景;(2)中古英语时期的文学形式:史诗、传奇文学和谣曲;(3)中古英语时期的重要作家及代表作品:《贝奥武夫》、《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》、乔叟和《坎特伯雷故事集》; (4) 前伊丽莎白时期:莫尔与《乌托邦》。
1.1 (1) Historical background of the Old and Middle English Period; (2) Main literary forms in the Old and Middle English Period: epic, romance, and ballad; (3) Major writers and representative works in the Old and Middle English Period: Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Geoffrey Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales; (4) Pre-Elizabethan Period: Thomas More and Utopia.
第二章文艺复兴与王朝复辟时期 Chapter Two The Renaissance and Restoration Period
Chapter Two mainly introduces the historical background, overall characteristics, major writers, and representative works during the Renaissance and Restoration Period, focusing on the analysis and appreciation of the classics written by William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, John Milton, John Donne, and John Bunyan. -
●2.1概况 2.1 An Overview
2.1 (1) 文艺复兴与王朝复辟时期的历史背景;(2)文艺复兴与王朝复辟时期的文学形式:诗歌与戏剧;(3)文艺复兴与王朝复辟时期的重要作家及代表作品:培根及其散文、斯宾塞及其《仙后》、马洛及其戏剧作品、班扬及其《天路历程》及钦定版《圣经》。
2.1 (1) Historical background of the Renaissance and Restoration Period; (2) Main literary forms during the Renaissance and Restoration Period: poetry and drama; (3) Major writers and representative works in the Renaissance and Restoration Period: Francis Bacon and his essays, Edmund Spenser and The Fairy Queen, Christopher Marlowe and his plays, John Bunyan and The Pilgrim's Progress, as well as King James Bible. -
●2.2莎士比亚-1 2.2 William Shakespeare-1
2.2 莎士比亚生平简介及《十四行诗第十八首》赏析。
2.2 Brief introduction of William Shakespeare's life and appreciation of his "Sonnet 18." -
●2.3莎士比亚-2 2.3 William Shakespeare-2
2.3 莎士比亚戏剧名篇及《哈姆雷特》选段赏析。
2.3 Overview of William Shakespeare's plays and appreciation of an excerpt from his Hamlet. -
●2.4莎士比亚-3 2.4 William Shakespeare-3
2.4 《威尼斯商人》情节介绍、人物简析与选段赏析。
2.4 Introduction of the plot of The Merchant of Venice, as well as a brief analysis of its major characters and an appreciation of an excerpt. -
●2.5培根 2.5 Francis Bacon
2.5 培根作品简介及《论读书》选段赏析。
2.3 Overview of Francis Bacon's works and appreciation of an excerpt in "Of Studies". -
●2.6弥尔顿 2.6 John Milton
2.4 弥尔顿主要作品介绍和《失乐园》选段赏析。
2.4 General introduction of John Milton's major works and appreciation of an excerpt from Paradise Lost. -
●2.7邓恩 2.7 John Donne
2.5 “玄学派诗歌”特点与邓恩诗歌《去吧,去抓住一颗流星》赏析。
2.5 Characteristics of Metaphysical Poetry and appreciation of John Donne's "Go and Catch a Falling Star." -
●2.8班扬 2.8 John Bunyan
2.8 班扬作品简介与《天路历程》情节介绍。
2.8 Overview of John Bunyan's major works and introduction of the plot of The Pilgrim's Progress.
第三章新古典主义与前浪漫主义时期 Chapter Three The Neo-Classical and Pre-Romantic Period
Chapter Three mainly introduces the historical background, overall characteristics, major writers and representative works during the Ne-Classical and Pre-Romantic Period, focusing on the appreciation of the classics written by Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, Thomas Gray, Henry Fielding, William Blake, and Robert Burns. -
●3.1概况 3.1 An Overview
3.1 (1)新古典主义与前浪漫主义时期的历史背景;(2)文学思潮:启蒙运动、新古典主义、感伤主义及前浪漫诗歌;(3)小说的兴起;(4)重要作家与代表作品概述。
3.1 (1) Historical background of the Neo-Classical and Pre-Romantic Period; (2) Literary trends: Enlightenment Movement, Neo-Classicism, Sentimentalism, and Pre-Romantic poetry; (3) The rising of novels; (4) Major writers and representative works during the Neo-Classical and Pre-Romantic Period. -
●3.2笛福 3.2 Daniel Defoe
3.2(1) 笛福生平与主要作品简介;(2)《鲁滨逊漂流记》赏析。
3.2 (1)Brief introduction of Daniel Defoe's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of Robinson Crusoe. -
●3.3斯威夫特 3.3 Jonathan Swift
3.3 (1) Brief introduction of Jonathan Swift's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of Gulliver's Travels. -
●3.4菲尔丁 3.4 Henry Fielding
3.4 (1) Brief introduction of Henry Fielding's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of Tom Jones. -
●3.5格雷 3.5 Thomas Gray
3.5 格雷简介与《墓园挽歌》选段赏析。
3.5 Introduction of Thomas Gray's life and appreciation of an excerpt in Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. -
●3.6布莱克 3.6 William Blake
3.5 (1) Brief introduction of William Blake's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of "The Lamb" and "The Tyger." -
●3.7彭斯 3.7 Robert Burns
3.6 (1)彭斯生平与诗歌创作类型简介;(2)《一朵红红的玫瑰》赏析。
3.6 (1) Brief introduction of Robert Burns' life and poetry; (2) Appreciation of "A Red, Red Rose."
第四章浪漫主义时期 Chapter Four The Romantic Period
Chapter Four mainly introduces the historical background, Romanticism, major writers and representative works during the Romantic Period, focusing on the appreciation of the classics written by William Wordsworth, P. B. Shelley, John Keats and Jane Austen. -
●4.1概况 4.1 An Overview
4.1 (1) Historical background of the Romantic Period; (2) Literary trend: Romanticism; (3) Major writers and representative works. -
●4.2华兹华斯 4.2 William Wordsworth
4.2 (1)华兹华斯生平及诗歌创作主题简介;(2)《我好似一朵流云独自漫游》及《在威斯敏斯特大桥上》赏析。
4.2 (1) Brief introduction of William Wordsworth's life and thematic concerns in poetry; (2) Appreciation of "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" and "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3rd, 1802." -
●4.3雪莱 4.3 P. B. Shelley
4.3 (1)雪莱生平及主要作品简介;(2)《西风颂》选段赏析。
4.3 (1) Brief introduction of P. B. Shelley's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of an excerpt from "Ode to the West Wind." -
●4.4济慈 4.4 John Keats
4.4 济慈作品简介与《希腊古瓷瓮颂》选段赏析。
4.4 Overview of John Keats's major works and appreciation of an excerpt from "Ode on a Grecian Urn". -
●4.5奥斯汀 4.5 Jane Austen
4.4 (1)奥斯汀生平及主要作品简介;(2)《傲慢与偏见》选段赏析。
4.4 (1) Brief introduction of Jane Austen's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of an excerpt from Pride and Prejudice.
第五章维多利亚时期 Chapter Five The Victorian Period
Chapter Five mainly introduces the historical background, critical realism, asetheticism, major writers and representative works during the Victorian Period, focusing on the appreciation of the classics written by Charles Dickens, the Bronte Sisters, Thomas Hardy, G. B. Shaw, and Oscar Wilde. -
●5.1概况 5.1 An Overview
5.1 (1)维多利亚时期的历史背景;(2)文学思潮:批判现实主义与唯美主义运动;(3)重要作家与代表作品。
5.1 (1) Historical background of the Victorian Period; (2) Literary trends: Critical Realism and Aestheticism; (3) Major writers and representative works. -
●5.2狄更斯 5.2 Charles Dickens
5.2 (1) Brief introduction of Charles Dickens' life and major works; (2) Appreciation of Oliver Twist. -
●5.3勃朗特姐妹 5.3 The Brontë Sisters
5.3 (1)勃朗特姐妹生平简介;(2)《简爱》赏析;(3)《呼啸山庄》赏析。
5.3 (1) Brief introduction of the Brontë Sisters' life; (2) Appreciation of Jane Eyre; (3) Appreciation of Wuthering Heights. -
●5.4哈代 5.4 Thomas Hardy
5.4 (1)哈代生平及主要作品简介;(2)《德伯家的苔丝》赏析。
5.4 (1) Brief introduction of Thomas Hardy's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of Tess of the D'Urbervilles. -
●5.5萧伯纳与王尔德 5.5 G. B. Shaw and Oscar Wilde
5.5 (1)萧伯纳生平及主要剧作简介;(2)《华伦夫人的职业》赏析;(3)王尔德及主要作品简介;(4)《道林·格雷的画像》赏析。
5.5 (1) Brief introduction of G. B. Shaw's life and major plays; (2) Appreciation of Mrs. Warren's Profession; (3) Brief introduction of Oscar Wilde's life and major works; (4) Appreciation of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
第六章现代主义时期 Chapter Six The Modern Period
Chapter Six mainly introduces the historical background, literary trend, major writers, and representative works during the Modern Period, focusing on the appreciation of the classics written by James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, D. H. Lawrence, W. B. Yeats, and T. S. Eliot. -
●6.1概况 6.1 An Overview
6.1 (1)现代主义时期的历史背景;(2)文学思潮:现代主义;(3)重要作家与代表作品。
6.1 (1) Historical background of the Modern Period; (2) Literary trend: Modernism; (3) Major writers and representative works. -
●6.2乔伊斯与伍尔芙-1 6.2 James Joyce and Virginia Woolf-1
6.2 (1)乔伊斯生平及主要作品简介;(2)《尤利西斯》赏析。
6.2 (1) Brief introduction of James Joyce's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of Ulysses. -
●6.3乔伊斯与伍尔芙-2 6.3 James Joyce and Virginia Woolf-2
6.3 (1)伍尔芙生平及主要作品简介;(2)《达洛卫夫人》赏析。
6.3 (1) Brief introduction of Virginia Woolf's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of Mrs. Dalloway. -
●6.4劳伦斯 6.4 D. H. Lawrence
6.4 (1)劳伦斯生平及主要作品简介;(2)《儿子与情人》赏析。
6.4 (1) Brief introduction of D. H. Lawrence's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of Sons and Lovers. -
●6.5艾略特 6.5 T. S. Eliot
6.5 (1)艾略特生平与主要作品简介;(2)《荒原》赏析。
6.5 (1) Brief introduction of T. S. Eliot's life and major works; (2) Appreciation of The Waste Land. -
●6.6叶芝 6.6 W. B. Yeats
6.6 (1) Brief introduction of W. B. Yeats' life and major poetic works; (2) Appreciation of "When You Are Old."