1000+ 人选课
开课时间2025/01/21 - 2025/07/20
课程周期26 周
听说过狼孩的故事吗?看过《野孩子》(L’enfant sauvage)和《知更鸟不歌唱》(Mockingbird Don’t Sing)这两部电影吗?知道习得语言可能存在着关键期吗?《英语语言学导论》课程将是你无悔的选择,本课程面向广大英语本专科学生、英语专业“考研族”和语言研究的爱好者,系统介绍英语语言的语音-音系、形态-句法、语义-语用等基础理论和基本方法,形成系统科学地分析和解决语言问题的思维方法。《笑傲江湖之东方不败》中有一句台词:“人的话,意思太多了,再加上口是心非的,这就是天下所有是非的来由,更何况还有种种不同的语言!” 来吧!我们的课程团队用浅显易懂的英语、深入浅出的讲解,引领你关注语言现象,探索语言问题,剖析语言结构,描写语言形式,开拓语言功能。语言逻辑的四重性认为:人类的话语可能为真,可能为假,可能既是真也是假,也可能既非真也非假。来吧!我们的课程团队用精益求精的科学精神、地道精准的英语语言,为你破解语言密码,解读语言规则,启迪语言意识,强化语言认知,促进语言交际。心动不如行动,说到不如做到,十三章内容,四十节课程,六位老师,带你领略语言科学的魅力,掌握语言科学的全貌!


What is language?
Linguistic knowledge 1
Linguistic knowledge 2
What is Grammar?
What is Human Language?
Morphology: The Words of Language
Affix, Root, Stem Morpheme, Morph, Allomorph
Rules of Word Formation
The Hierarchical Structure of Words
Other Morphological Processes
The Sentence Patterns of Language
What the Syntax Rules Do
Sentence Structure (I)
Sentence Structure (II)
Other Structures, TGG Rules & UG Principles and Parameters
The Meaning of Language
An Overview of Semantics
Semantic Relations
Analysis of Meaning
The Cooperative Principle
Speech Acts
Phonetics: The Sounds of Language
Classification of English Consonants
Classification of English Vowels
Phonetic Classes and Prosodic Features
Phonology: The Sound Patterns of Language
The Pronunciation of Morphemes and Phonological Units
Distinctive Features of Phonemes
The Rules of Phonology
Prosodic Phonology and Phonological AnalysisProsodic Phonology and Phonological Analysis
Language in Society
Sociolinguistics:An Introduction
Language Contact
Language Change: The Syllables of Time
Language Change and the History of English.
Classification of Language Change
Language Acquisition
The linguistic Capacity of Children/First Language Acquisition
Second Language Acquisition
Language Processing and the Human Brain
Language Comprehension
Speech Production
Computer Processing of Human Language
Computational Linguistics:An Introduction
Applications of Computational Linguistics
Writing: The ABCs of Language
The History of Writing
Modern Writing Systems
The Schools of Linguistics
Structuralism and Formalism
Functionalism and Cognitivism
  • 第一章What is language?


  • 1.1Linguistic knowledge 1


  • 1.2Linguistic knowledge 2


  • 1.3What is Grammar?


  • 1.4What is Human Language?


  • 第二章Morphology: The Words of Language


  • 2.1Morphemes


  • 2.2Affix, Root, Stem Morpheme, Morph, Allomorph


  • 2.3Rules of Word Formation


  • 2.4The Hierarchical Structure of Words


  • 2.5Other Morphological Processes


  • 第三章The Sentence Patterns of Language

    The part of grammar that represents speakers’ knowledge of sentences and their structures is called syntax. The aim of this chapter is to show you what syntactic structures look like and to familiarize you with some of the rules that determine them. Most of the examples will be from the syntax of English, but the principles that account for syntactic structures are universal.

  • 3.1What the Syntax Rules Do

    This section mainly discusses what the syntax rules are and what the syntax rules do. Speakers of a language recognize the grammatical sentences of their language and know how the words in a sentence must be ordered and grouped to convey a certain meaning. This kind of knowledge comes from their knowledge of the rules of syntax.

  • 3.2Sentence Structure (I)

    This section is a brief introduction of the sentence structure. Sentences have structure that can be represented by phrase structure trees containing syntactic categories. Phrase structure trees reflect the speaker’s mental representation of sentences. Ambiguous sentences may have more than one phrase structure tree.

  • 3.3Sentence Structure (II)

    This section further discusses the sentence structure. There are different kinds of syntactic categories: Phrasal categories, such as NP and VP, are composed of other syntactic categories; lexical categories, such as Noun and Verb, and functional categories, such as Det and T, often correspond to individual words.

  • 3.4Other Structures, TGG Rules & UG Principles and Parameters

    This section discusses many grammatical structures which also hold in other languages. This is more or less how the syntax operates. Languages conform to a basic design, and then there are choice points or points of variation.

  • 第四章The Meaning of Language

    This chapter provides an introduction to the meaning of language, both static and dynamic, depending on whether or not we take into consideration the role of context.

  • 4.1An Overview of Semantics


  • 4.2Semantic Relations


  • 4.3Analysis of Meaning


  • 4.4The Cooperative Principle

    People cooperate in language communication by following a set of rules. When they decide not to cooperate, things could be otherwise.

  • 4.5Speech Acts

    Language can be used to do things. When we say something, we are not simply saying it for the sake of saying.

  • 第五章Phonetics: The Sounds of Language

    Chapter 5 contains four sessions. It aims to introduce the nature of phonetics and sets out key concepts and major classifications involved in this field. This chapter is also concerned with some critical issues such as how does phonetics relate to phonology and how consonants and vowels could be described, etc. The chapter is valuable to understand phonetics including the speech organs, the classification of consonants and vowels and some prosodic features.

  • 5.1Morphemes

    Sessions 1 introduce briefly the definition of phonetics and how it may be classified. It also gives a detailed illustration of the speech organs by many specific examples. The last part of this session discusses how phonetic transcription is standardized, and why it should be.

  • 5.2Classification of English Consonants

    Session 2 examines how English consonants can be classified in terms of manner of articulation and place of articulation. It also aims to help students understand how speech organs and sounds are worked to produce these sounds.

  • 5.3Classification of English Vowels

    Session 3 deals with English vowels. It reveals the features of vowels and explains how vowels can be described.

  • 5.4Phonetic Classes and Prosodic Features

    Session 4 presents phonetic classes with specific examples. It also sets out issues concerning prosodic features including length, pitch and stress with examples.

  • 第六章Phonology: The Sound Patterns of Language

    In this chapter, the sound patterns of language and relevant phonological rules will be introduced. There are thousands of languages, but only hundreds of speech sounds, some of which we examined in the previous chapter. Even more remarkable, only a few dozen features, such as voicing and bilabial, are needed to describe every speech sound that occurs in every human language.

  • 6.1The Pronunciation of Morphemes and Phonological Units

    This section briefly introduces how we pronounce words and the parts of words we call morphemes and the way of describing their variation with (usually unconscious) phonological rules. We begin with some examples from English, and then move on to examples from other languages.

  • 6.2Distinctive Features of Phonemes

    This section further discusses what distinctive features are and how we distinguish different phonemes depending on their phonetic features. When a feature distinguishes one phoneme from another, hence one word from another, it is a distinctive feature or, equivalently, a phonemic feature.

  • 6.3The Rules of Phonology

    This section is a detailed introduction of phonological rules which are part of a speaker’s knowledge of the language. The specific rules of phonology differ from language to language, the kinds of rules, what they do, and the natural classes they refer to are universal. Phonological rules exist to ensure that the phonetic forms of words do not violate the phonotactic constraints of the language.

  • 6.4Prosodic Phonology and Phonological AnalysisProsodic Phonology and Phonological Analysis

    This section further discusses some concepts of phonology in the aspect of prosody and also how to carry out a phonological analysis in practical cases with relevant phonological rules. To do a phonological analysis, the words to be analyzed must be transcribed in great phonetic detail, because we do not know in advance which phonetic features are distinctive and which are not.

  • 第七章Language in Society

    This chapter provides an introduction to how language interacts with society. Language cannot be studied without considering its social aspects.

  • 7.1Sociolinguistics:An Introduction

    Language varies across geographical regions, societies, and individual speakers. Language variation is the norm.

  • 7.2Language Contact

    No language stays alone without any contact with other languages. The result of contact leads us to a kaleidoscopic view toward human languages.

  • 第八章Language Change: The Syllables of Time


  • 8.1Language Change and the History of English.


  • 8.2Classification of Language Change


  • 第九章Language Acquisition

    Chapter 9 comprises two sessions. It is designed to help students understand the complex of language learning. Specifically, it covers issues associated with first and second language acquisition from a theoretical perspective although examples are also given to help better understanding.

  • 9.1The linguistic Capacity of Children/First Language Acquisition

    Session 1 explores how child acquires the first language from a theoretical perspective. It critically examines three important theories including a behaviourist view, an innatist view and an interactionist view. The aim of this session is not only to introduce these theories, but also to help students understand the nature of language acquisition.

  • 9.2Second Language Acquisition

    Session 2 introduces second language (L2) acquisition. It discusses some challenging issues involving the connection between the first and second language acquisition, the role of the mother tonguage in second language learning, and if there is a critical period in L2 learning.

  • 第十章Language Processing and the Human Brain


  • 10.1Language Comprehension


  • 10.2Speech Production


  • 第十一章Computer Processing of Human Language

    In this chapter, another interesting topic in linguistics —— computational linguistics, will be discussed. Today, it is common for computers to process language. Computational linguistics is a subfield of linguistics and computer science that is concerned with the interactions of human language and computers. Computational linguistics includes the analysis of written texts and spoken discourse, the translation of text and speech from one language to another, the use of human (not computer) languages for communication between computers and people, and the modeling and testing of linguistic theories.

  • 11.1Computational Linguistics:An Introduction

    This section is a brief introduction of the definition and the scope of computational linguistics. Computational linguistics is concerned with the interaction between language and computers in all dimensions, from phonetics to pragmatics, from producing speech to comprehending speech, from spoken (or signed) utterances to written forms.

  • 11.2Applications of Computational Linguistics

    This section discusses some of the more common application areas, ranging from the use of computers to test a linguist’s grammar for faithfulness to the actual language, to the use of computers to solve language crimes—the field of computational forensic linguistics.

  • 第十二章Writing: The ABCs of Language


  • 12.1The History of Writing


  • 12.2Modern Writing Systems


  • 第十三章The Schools of Linguistics


  • 13.1Structuralism and Formalism


  • 13.2Functionalism and Cognitivism


  • 开始学习
  • 第一章  作业测试
    第一章 What is language?

    1.1 Linguistic knowledge 1

    1.2 Linguistic knowledge 2

    1.3 What is Grammar?

    1.4 What is Human Language?

  • 第二章  作业测试
    第二章 Morphology: The Words of Language

    2.1 Morphemes

    2.2 Affix, Root, Stem Morpheme, Morph, Allomorph

    2.3 Rules of Word Formation

    2.4 The Hierarchical Structure of Words

    2.5 Other Morphological Processes

  • 第三章  作业测试
    第三章 The Sentence Patterns of Language

    3.1 What the Syntax Rules Do

    3.2 Sentence Structure (I)

    3.3 Sentence Structure (II)

    3.4 Other Structures, TGG Rules & UG Principles and Parameters

  • 第四章  作业测试
    第四章 The Meaning of Language

    4.1 An Overview of Semantics

    4.2 Semantic Relations

    4.3 Analysis of Meaning

    4.4 The Cooperative Principle

    4.5 Speech Acts

  • 第五章  作业测试
    第五章 Phonetics: The Sounds of Language

    5.1 Morphemes

    5.2 Classification of English Consonants

    5.3 Classification of English Vowels

    5.4 Phonetic Classes and Prosodic Features

  • 第六章  作业测试
    第六章 Phonology: The Sound Patterns of Language

    6.1 The Pronunciation of Morphemes and Phonological Units

    6.2 Distinctive Features of Phonemes

    6.3 The Rules of Phonology

    6.4 Prosodic Phonology and Phonological AnalysisProsodic Phonology and Phonological Analysis

  • 第七章  作业测试
    第七章 Language in Society

    7.1 Sociolinguistics:An Introduction

    7.2 Language Contact

  • 第八章  作业测试
    第八章 Language Change: The Syllables of Time

    8.1 Language Change and the History of English.

    8.2 Classification of Language Change

  • 第九章  作业测试
    第九章 Language Acquisition

    9.1 The linguistic Capacity of Children/First Language Acquisition

    9.2 Second Language Acquisition

  • 第十章  作业测试
    第十章 Language Processing and the Human Brain

    10.1 Language Comprehension

    10.2 Speech Production

  • 第十一章  作业测试
    第十一章 Computer Processing of Human Language

    11.1 Computational Linguistics:An Introduction

    11.2 Applications of Computational Linguistics

  • 第十二章  作业测试
    第十二章 Writing: The ABCs of Language

    12.1 The History of Writing

    12.2 Modern Writing Systems

  • 第十三章  作业测试
    第十三章 The Schools of Linguistics

    13.1 Structuralism and Formalism

    13.2 Functionalism and Cognitivism

  • 期末考试