7万+ 人选课
开课时间2024/07/25 - 2025/01/14
课程周期25 周

你想既学习英语又了解中国传统文化吗?你想既提高英语听读技能又学会用英语介绍中国的传统思想和民俗吗?一起走进《英语畅谈中国》吧!该课程以英语为授课语言媒体、通过中国文化最具代表性的特色内容和亮点精华,展示中国人的心灵世界、国民性格、生活态度和审美情趣。 第一单元“智慧孔子”探讨孔子的核心价值观-仁和礼,描述孝悌和礼仪使得国泰民安的过程,展示中国人博爱、谦恭的民族个性; 第二单元“智慧老子”介绍了老子“道”的内涵及外延,“道”之无为、相反、无形、无名、玄妙,彰显中国人的处事哲学; 第三单元“笔尖文明"介绍汉字的由来、发展,以及结构和各种体系,展示中华儿女的无限智慧,激励人们去传承这一璀璨夺目的人类文明; 第四单元“缤纷节日”通过中西重大节日对比,展现华夏五千年文明所孕育出来的灿烂节日民俗,凸显中华文化的精髓和影响力; 第五单元“美味九州”讲述历史上的美食家、药膳、八大菜系及代表作品,展现中国人阴阳平衡、药食同源的养生观念以及中国人平稳、和谐的生活心态; 第六单元“中式婚仪”描述中国传统婚姻的全过程:媒婆说亲、十里红妆、拜天地入洞房、偕夫归宁等,介绍异彩纷呈的婚俗礼仪,将一幅幅中华民族鲜活生动的风情画卷展现给世人; 第七单元“中国服饰”探讨旗袍的起源、历史演变、独特设计以及旗袍所蕴含的文化内涵和美学思想,经历无限的荣光和落寞后又再度崛起的历程,体味出中国人优雅的生活情趣和审美观念; 第八单元“中国手工艺”叙述中国剪纸艺术的历史发展,比较南北地域剪纸的不同艺术风格和技巧,探讨中国剪纸艺术的文化价值以及丰富的哲学、美学、文化学内涵; 第九单元“形之建筑”和第十单元“意之建筑”以故宫为范本,介绍中国古代建筑特色、建构形制、布局等级、文化意义等,揭示中国文化中以北斗星为统领的等级观念以及风水中的五行八卦的深刻内涵; 第十一单元“梨园国粹”介绍中国京剧的知识,包括京剧的历史发展、四大角色、脸谱含义以及京剧的唱念做打,讲授欣赏京剧的方法,呈现中国文化的好恶观和审美情趣; 第十二单元“传统中医”介绍中国传统医学中望、闻、问、切、阴阳平衡、五行五色、气的概念,展示中医针灸、刮痧、食疗等疗养方式; 第十三单元“中国绘画”介绍中国画发展历史, 赏析《清明上河图》及八大山人的绘画作品; 第十四单元“中国功夫”通过探讨 “南拳北腿”各功夫门类,展示中国功夫的持久魅力。

Unit 1 The Wisdom of Confucius 智慧孔子
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Confucius and His Conception of ren
1.3 From Behavior Cultivation to Social Order
1.4 Confucian Thought on li
1.5 Seminar
Unit 2 The Wisdom of Laozi 智慧老子
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Dao: The Origin of Everything
2.3 Reversion: the fundamental principle in the law of nature
2.4 Paradoxical expressions
2.5 Comparison between Laozi and Confucius
Unit 3 Chinese Characters 笔尖文明
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Origin of Chinese Characters
3.3 The Six Major Stages in the Development of Chinese Characters
3.4 The Conformation of Chinese Characters
3.5 The Characteristics of Chinese Characters
3.6 Seminar
Unit 4 Chinese Festivals 缤纷节日
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Lunar Calendar and Solar Calendar
4.3 The First Biggest Festival: Spring Festival
4.4 The Second Biggest Festival: Mid-Autumn Day
4.5 Contrast and Comparison
4.6 Seminar
Unit 5 Chinese Food 美味九州
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Rich Chinese Food Culture
5.3 Balanced Diet
5.4 The Chinese Palates
5.5 Eight Cuisines
5.6 Seminar
Unit 6 Traditional Chinese Wedding 中式婚礼
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Engagement
6.3 Preparation
6.4 Wedding Day
6.5 Post-wedding Ceremonies
6.6 Seminar
Unit 7 Chinese Cheongsam 中国旗袍
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Origin of Cheongsam
7.3 Evolution of Cheongsam
7.4 Design of Cheongsam and Its Cultural Connotation and Aesthetic Thoughts
7.5 Seminar
Unit 8 Chinese Paper Cutting 中国剪纸
8.1 Introduction
8.2 History of Chinese Paper Cutting
8.3 Artistic Features of Chinese Paper Cutting
8.4 Cultural Values of Chinese Paper Cutting
8.5 Seminar
Unit 9 Chinese Architecture 中国建筑
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Literal Meaning
9.3 The Architectural Layout: Two Courts
9.4 The Architectural Layout and the Traditional Rituals
9.5 The Mythological Animals on the Eaves
9.6 Seminar
Unit 10 China Engineering 中国工程
10.1 Introduction
10.2 The Grand Canal:Before the Song Dynasty
10.3 The Grand Canal:From the Song Dynasty
10.4 The Grand Canal:Technological ingenuity
10.5 The Grand Canal:Managerial wisdom
Unit 11 Peking Opera 梨园国粹
11.1 Introduction
11.2 The Historical Development of Peking Opera
11.3 The Four Major Roles of Peking Opera
11.4 The Facial Makeup of Peking Opera
11.5 Seminar
Unit 12 Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医中药
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Principles and Philosophical Bases of TCM Treatment
12.3 Qi and Meridians
12.4 TCM Healing Modalities
Unit 13 Chinese Painting 中国绘画
13.1 Introduction
13.2 The Historical Development of Chinese Painting
13.3 The Characteristics of Chinese Painting
13.4 The Influential Painters and Their Masterpieces
Unit 14 Chinese Kung Fu 中国功夫
14.1 Introduction
14.2 The Principles and Characteristics of Chinese Kung Fu
14.3 The Schools of Chinese Kung Fu
14.4 The Fist Fighting Techniques of Chinese Kung Fu