钢琴演奏基础(Fundamentals of Piano Performance)
钢琴演奏基础(Fundamentals of Piano Performance)
1000+ 人选课
开课时间2024/07/25 - 2025/01/14
课程周期25 周

Learning piano should start from an early age, because piano is an art of finger movement. At the same time, piano is a keyboard art that both hands participate in at the same time. Learning piano from childhood can train the right brain's image thinking ability and coordination ability. This course is intended to systematically teach the basic knowledge of music theory, including basic rhythm form, basic hand type, fast running principle, singing legato, etc., and teach the basic movement principle and touch key method of fingers and wrists from the perspective of piano phonation principle. This course will combine theory with playing practice, give consideration to technical practice and music processing, and demonstrate the performance of multiple pieces of music through theoretical explanation, finger function analysis, performance and teaching demonstration, four hand joint play and other forms. This course can not only be used as a basic course of music for normal school and art college students, but also as a basic course of piano for music college students to make up and consolidate professional knowledge. At the same time, the vast number of basic social learners can master the basic piano playing skills and basic knowledge of music theory, enhance their interest in learning, cultivate their music sentiment, and feel the infinite charm of piano music through the learning of this course.

Chapter I Learn the basic knowledge of staff and recognize notes
Chapter II Time value and rest, time sign and punctuation of notes
Chapter III Recognize the Cautionary Accidental, and analyze the temporary signs and key signs
Chapter IV: Syncopation rhythm, repetition mark and homophone connection, weak points starting measu
Chapter V The first practice: touch key practice by single hand
Chapter VI Five fingers in normal position exercise, high finger raising training method, thumb vert
Chapter VII The correct playing method of the slur. Learn the theme and twelve variations by Bayer
Chapter VIII: Learn Bayer’s theme and eight variations, and demonstrate the three hand joint play of
Chapter IX how to play the quavers correctly, learn "John Thompson Easy Piano Course" 2
Chapter X staccato and legato, preliminary understanding of dynamic mark and tempo change mark
Chapter XI learn to sing on the piano
Chapter XII practice of hand extension and hand ensemble in the range of one octava
Final exam questions of Fundamentals of Piano Performance